Monday, September 22, 2008

As Summer Fades....

With but a few hours left of summer, I've been reflecting, thinking of what my life consists of and the things I'm still looking for.  And I do feel blessed. 

I paused on the side of the road last night, pulling over to get out of the car for a better view of the glory I had been glimpsing in my rearview mirror. 

As a tribute to the fading season, Mother Nature brought out her full selection of watercolors to paint the sunset.  One of those breathtaking sights-all the pastels of her pallette.  Streaks of color in the wisps of clouds, layers of lavendars, blues, pinks, oranges, and every shade in between.  It's times like these that the worries of the world take a back seat to the magnificence of her glory.  As I watched the changes, subtle in their progress, a knowing came that this is....  change just is.... one season to the next, the sun and moon inching ever, across the sky as time moves continuously forward. 

I wasn't ready to give up on summer, wasn't ready to move forward myself.  I've been in a kind of limbo, hoping for time to just pause long enough to catch up.  Which, of course, it doesn't-for anyone. 

So, my goal today(aside from the everyday crap) is to begin to move forward, to set my path, plan my journey forward.  Just take today-which isn't really summer or fall, to just be in the in-between.  Pause and count my blessings, my harvest of my life.  To honor the balance of light and dark, be thankful for the light, and learn and accept the lessons of the dark time of the year.   It all has a purpose.  The light for outward growth, the dark for inner growth.  As each season progresses, our life moves forward and our primary responsiblilty in it is to grow, in knowledge and love.   

So, on this in-between day, blessings to all.

                         ~Thanks For Stopping By~



Anonymous said...

This is my inspiration today. As I reflect on it it should be part of my daily devotions and mediations. Love, Dannelle

Anonymous said...

Beautiful (smiling) our paths are many and diverse ~ it is up to us to choose & decide... thank you for sharing this with us. Blessings* Teresa

Anonymous said...

I bet that was an awesome sunset! good look with your journey and setting your path; I know you will continue to strive to achieve what you are looking for

take care of yourself


Anonymous said...

One day at a time is a great way to live life. Living in the present is living in the presence of God.

Anonymous said...

You said that so beautifully.  I certainly could
not add to the beauty you described.  Store
it away in the recesses of your mind to warm
the long winter ahead.  How can anyone look
at such a sunset and not know that God is
awesome and Nature a masterpiece?  :o)  Pat

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading what you write.  I wish I could have been there with you witnessing the beauty as you described it.  Life can catch up to you if you continue to take in these little moments and slow down.  I think you are doing just great in that department.  Have a happy Tuesday.  Luv ya!


Anonymous said...

I scrolled down waiting for a photgraph, but your description did just a well.
Gaz xxx

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it take your breath away to witness something so beautiful?  I find myself wondering how many other people notice things like that, and how many are in to much of a rush to get from point A to point B without even bothering to glance.  I can relate to your post!
