Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Life's A Beach...

                          I think I've invented a new swimming exercise! 

   I had the whole day off yesterday.  I didn't want to say anything and jinx it, so I just kept it to myself.

  In the afternoon, I packed up to go to the lake.  I looked in the backseat and discovered that my air mattress was flat. ::sigh::  I really enjoy just paddling out and floating around till the waves bring me back to shore.  I have one of those little patch kits, but decided to save time and just go get another one.  The dollar store didn't have any left, but they did have one of those blow up rings.  Okay, that'll work-$4.00.  I got out there, deposited my stuff on the beach, and headed into the water.  What fun!  Unlike the air mattress, I could paddle around with my arms and legs.  Just kind of cruised all over the place, out into waters over my head, and back to the shallows where I could watch the minnows.  I'll bet I spent 3 hours in the water. 

   And Boy Am I Sore Today!  I have apparently found several muscles in both my arms and legs that I haven't used much lately.  I could hardly move this morning.  You know those little old ladies that just look like it hurts to walk?  Well, that's the way I was walking when I got up this morning.  Deep breath, coffee, ibuprofen and a HOT shower allowed me to make it out the door to my first client.  By 10am, I'd loosened up enough to walk without wincing.  ::grateful sigh::  I'm at the point now that it's down to a dull ache.  And glutton for punishment, I'm going out to the lake again tomorrow afternoon before my 4pm client!  I'll just float more than paddle.

   I was supposed to have this afternoon off, too.  So I decided to do something domestic.  I picked defrosting the freezer. (Are you nuts?)  I got out the coolers, emptied the freezer, started removing the built up ice, singing along to the radio cranked up really loud and didn't hear the phone ring.  I did manage to hear the beep that I had a voicemail between songs.  Yep, you guessed it, the office.  One of the girls had a fender bender on the way to a client and couldn't get there.  Could I cover?  Like, in 15 minutes?  Sure, but I'm going to be late.  So, everything went back in the freezer and I have to finish it in the morning.  Yuck.  I just wanted to get it all done.  The extra hours will be nice, and I did my good deed for the day.  "Oh, and don't call me for any extra shifts tomorrow.  I have to defrost the freezer."  ;-)~    

                                     ~Thanks For Stopping By~



Anonymous said...

Don't look now, but in the old days, before radials, we used to use inner tubes from the tires.  Same fun.  You just rediscovered it.

Anonymous said...

That tubing sounds like fun at least!!  A great way to exercise...but maybe not all at once!  Yikes!  LOL

be well,

Anonymous said...

how fun!! neat that you found a new exercise!! now if only your muscles would agree with it too :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Leigh,

Thanks for stopping by my journal and leaving a comment! I'm not sure who will be picking up the story of the Widow Marston next, but it IS becoming intriguing!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

gads I get up like that a lot of mornings LOL ~ hobble around like a ancient crone!!  all I need is my walking staff & gray robes to complete the picture.  I hope you have a great day :)  Hugz and Blessings** feel better soon...Teresa

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I would have loved to have seen you in your little ring........ ;-)
Gaz xx

Anonymous said...

Defrosting a freezer sounds like fun . . .not!  LOL  Swimming is a great use of many muscles and you will be sore if you aren't used to doing too much.  Hope you have a happy Thursday.  Luv ya!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like most of my morning lately. I swear if I don't get this rock off my chest soon, I'm going back to the dr. and telling him fix me....Your day at the lake sounded so serene. I hope defrosting the freezer goes quickly so you don't have to spend much more time on it. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Finally...someone who knows how to appreciate a day off!  I hate it when people spend their vacations doing chores.
