Friday, July 25, 2008

One of those days(night actually)...

     I just haven't felt much like writing lately.  I couldn't think of something to say that wasn't depressing or boring.  Or that wouldn't sound like I was whining.  Which is exactly what I feel like doing right now!  Before this entry is over, I may actually whine-just to get it out there!

    A few entries back I mentioned the backyard neighbor that just drives me to violent thoughts of her demise.  Well, this seems like a good time to discuss her, as she came over to visit last evening and I didn't have the chance to escape to my room before she walked in the door.  She's the type that doesn't hesitate to tell you how you should live your life, because this is how she does it, has seen it on TV, or heard it from her friend the "guru of life-screw anyone who doesn't want you to tell them how to live, tell them anyway!".  I know she means well, but honestly, her life is more screwed up than mine.  Walk a mile in her shoes?  Nah, then I'd have to wipe my memory banks or go slowly insane. 

    Anyway, I was sitting at the kitchen table with Bro, discussing some things that need to be done and what my schedule is for the weekend.  This is the weekend I was supposed to have off to go to the Canoe Marathon, which I'll explain more about later.  I had gotten over the fact that I had been scheduled to work, decided to make the most of the time I did have to go and see at least part of the race.  Then on Wed. I got a phone call from work, they need me to work a couple midnight shifts on Friday and Saturday nights.  Good-bye race, entirely.  I need the hours and money right now, and there would be the issue of my having refused work, if I have to file for part-time unemployment. ::sigh::  So, I'm working....

    Sorry got off track there.  I see Ms. Busybody come walking through the yard, and can't just get up in the middle of a sentence and run to my bedroom to hide.  So, I'm stuck at the table discussing the fact that I drink too much coffee at night and that's why she always sees my light on at night and early in the morning....NO, it's because I only sleep about 5-6 hours a night, I get up early to get ready for early work shifts, and leave my coffee alone or DIE!  And what are you doing up so late and early, if sleeping 9 hours is what you deem the proper way for ME to live?  The conversation moved on and she said she had never seen a picture of my husband.  So I dug some photos out.  In one from near the end of his life, she made the comment that-it looked like I must have loved him very much....well, by that time, no.  By that time I was burned out, depressed, and emotionally abused.  She said, "Well, he was sick, I'm sure he couldn't help it."  No, he was just miserable and figured I shouldn't be left out of the fun!  It was all I could do not to throw the stack of photos in the air and run screaming from the room. 

    Then she proceeded to tell me how to go about losing weight, and that the way "she does it, is the only way".  From what she described, she starves herself-lives on SlimFast and toast.  Earlier she had made the comment that she felt tired all the time and needed to mention it to her doctor.  Well, I made the suggestion that maybe she wasn't getting enough nourishment from the way she was eating and that's why she felt tired.  Oh no, it has to be more than that.  Okay, sure, you go run to the doctor and see what he says.....

    She suggested that we walk together, as it's such good exercise.  Well thanks, but I walk and swim at the State Park 4 or 5 times a week.  Yes, but you should walk more than that, I'll go with you.   ARGHHH!! NO!!!  But then, I got the thought that it might be even more beneficial, as I'd be walking as fast as possible, just to get away from her "advice".  I banished that thought and got up to get things picked to go to bed.  Good night, you're safe from my wicked thoughts of murder for one more night!

    Okay, more information about the Canoe Marathon I was talking about.  It's a canoe race that lasts 14 to 19 hours.  It's 120 miles from the start in Grayling, MI to Oscoda, MI on the Lake Huron shore.  They begin the race at 9pm and race all night.  They have to portage hydro-electric dams, paddle through the dark for most of the race, although they do have a little light on the front of their canoes.  There are viewing points at many of the bridges that cross the river, and following the race to the finish is an eventcalled "Chase the Race".  You pack the car with snacks, coffee, warm clothes, cool clothes, flashlights, and whatever else you might need.  You drive from bridge to bridge and wait for the paddlers to pass under, spending the night driving, and cheering these amazing atheletes on.  The youngest participants are 15 years old this year, and the oldest is 83.  Yes, you read that right, 83 years old.  He's participated in 36 of the 61 marathons that have been held. 

    Anyways,  here's the website, check it out, this is an amazing race,

    Since the last time I posted, I've cried, pouted, moped, and just generally been miserable.  I've had enough of that and have decided to make some changes-serious changes-in my life.  I'm working on a new journal project to share with you.  I'll have been writing here one year on August 1st,(technically, I started the entry on the 1st) and in going back to read my first entry, I see that I've let this stray from what I had originally intended.  The changes will help get me back on track here.  I'm off to work on that new project, so as always....

                                    ~Thanks For Stopping By~ 


Anonymous said...

Stray away it is all right to go in different directions and see more scenery along the way. Sorry you missed the Marathon. Sounds like fun. What a sad busybody! She should be the subject of a story...hint hint- Dannelle

Anonymous said...

lol at " your safe from murder for another day"


-- Christopher

Anonymous said...

Truthfully, I am very non-violent.  But that doesn't mean that those thought don't creep into my brain.  Maybe as a way to get through the "advice".   ;-)~

Anonymous said...

Gads what a cretin!!!  I'd have walked away rude or no rude, maybe she would have gotten the message!  You don't have to put up with people's b.s. Leigh... never.  She's unhealthy for you and look at it like you are protecting yourself from an infection of sorts.  You do what you need to do for your journal.  After all, it IS yours.  Blessings** Teresa

P.S.  I'm very sorry you are missing the Canoe Marathon :(

Anonymous said...

I see a lonely person with less than optimal social skills, but who truly means no harm.  Assuming you loved your husband very much was hardly a hostile observation, and no matter how burnt out you were, wasn't it true? Or did you just honor your marital vows out of a sense of guilt or commitment?  Or because you didn't feel worthy of a having a better husband? You could have loved him AND been very angry with him, in fact that's quite an amazing testament to you. I'll take the hard love of changing bedpans over the easy love of storebought roses anyday.
In any case, if she drives you that crazy, this is an opportunity for you to learn how to establish healthy boundaries.  Yes (HORRORS) it might actually mean that she gets the idea you don't actually like her. I would bet the idea of letting anybody know that gives you a very uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, because the RULE is "Leigh likes everybody. Leigh is always nice. Leigh always puts the needs of other before herself."  CHANGE THE RULES, GIRL. Howabout: "Leigh like some people and other, no so much, and that doesn't make her a bad person.  Leigh takes care of herself. Leigh asserts her needs. Leigh is not a doormat. Leigh can say no without feeling guilty." Try it, you'll like it.

Anonymous said...

It seems that I've been thanking you alot today.  Well, I'll do it one more time.  Thank You for your insight.  Truly.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like just being around her is a workout enough.  Her problems are not yours to fix or deal with.  Remember that and be well!


Anonymous said...

You have my complete sympathy - i quit an entire job to get away from a supervisor who is exactly like your neighbor.  It must be torture, not telling her exactly what you think.

I hope everything goes better for you, Leigh.  Take good care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Ok miss cryer, pouter, moper and miss-erable!  LOL  Glad you are going to work on that.  : )  I will check out that other J.  Luv ya!  Have a happy weekend.


Anonymous said...

so glad you did an entry; I was afraid I had accidentally taken you off alerts or weren't getting alerts from you for some reason; sorry its been a rough time though. Sorry your neighbor is so intrusive too; that canoe race sounded like a fun event, hard when work comes in the way of fun

looking forward to your new journal project


Anonymous said...

There you are, I was wondering how you've been....... As for that neighbour, well, I would carry out those thoughts ;-)
Gaz xxx