Monday, April 14, 2008

Imagine that!!

    Who knew?  It may be something that each reader realized long ago, myself included.  I just don't always stop to think about it.  This morning it seems to be uppermost on my mind as I've had the opportunity to take my time and read at a more leisurely pace.  I find inspiration, a broadened perspective, reaffirmed  hope, a few great laughs, and general enjoyment in visiting journals.  I've learned a thing or two, been reminded that there are dreams and ambitions that I once had, but pushed toward the back of my consciousness and maybe thought unattainable, too complex or expensive to pursue.  It sometimes points out to me just how (I seem to be stuck here for just the right words) superficial my interactions with others has become.  There isn't much depth there.  As I read the thoughts of other writers here, whether a funny story, an epiphany, life lesson just learned, or what happened in their world that day, I find that depth.  I didn't even stop to realize that it's missing in my life, on a general day to day basis.  I've found a way to gently insinuate some of that depth by making time in my day to go online, sort through(way too many) emails, click to journals, and links to other journals from there.  In sharing parts of my life that I don't share with anyone else in my physical world, I'm adding to the depth of my life.  For so many years the people in my immediate life, have had a nominal interest in my thoughts and feelings, their own life story dominating the conversation as being more important and interesting than me.  I developed a reticence to share anything of myself, learned to listen, nod, insert sympathy where needed, smile and just keep "me" to myself.  Here, I can share that.  Here, there are readers who encourage, commiserate, agree, disagree, maybe even just say hi!  Here, there are people who are interested in what I have to say and how I feel on any given day.   My self-esteem has been in the dungeons of my psyche for so many years-a learned response-that it's a long and difficult climb back to finding that what I think and feel is important(especially to me).  My life may have certain degrees of isolation and probably will for a long time, but here-I am ME, I matter, and I'm learning to listen and then to sharebits and pieces of myself.  Here, I've learned to be "more" of a person. 

    Where exactly am I going with all this?  I'm not really sure.  I've lost my original train of thought, but I think I've gotten "a" point across, even if it wasn't my original thought.  It may be time for some more coffee.  I'm dogsitting with use of a computer any time of the day I feel like coming here.  WooHoo!  It feels very good.  I'll be back!

                              ~Thanks For Stopping By~


Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean ~ I'm WAY too solitary according to Cindy.  This journal helps me pull myself out of my "hole" and interact with others even if it IS just writing.  Cindy has always said that I write extremely well and I am able to explain myself or paint a picture with words admirably and very clearly.  I think you do too!  I enjoy reading your journal even though at times I don't always comment, but that's not just you, it's all the journals I read ~ usually when I'm not commenting is when I'm in one of my "quiet" and "to myself" modes or fearful of reaching out to others.  That reaching out business is damned hard at times.  Thank you for sharing everything you do with us, I respect it and appreciate it.  I know how hard it can be at times.  Hugz and Blessings** Teresa

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you have the computer access!  I got your point!  I did!  lol

be well,

Anonymous said...

Pretty deep insights for someone so "superficial."
It's never too late to grow, to shed the layers you've put up between yourself and and others and between your outer and inner selves.
I think the relative anonymity of J-land has freed you from the need to present yourself a certain way, there's no hurt here to protect yourself from. You may not always write about profound things, but your authenticity shines through.  

Anonymous said...

WOW Leigh.  Very profound and very true.  For me, journaling brings the world to my house.  I don't get out much these days and this is a way to make friends that are at my fingertips most of the time.  I'm glad you enjoyed the TN Sweet Tea  No meal is complete here without it.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Imagine that!! When I, retired from blogging about a year and a half ago, I felt that I no longer made a difference. What I failed to realize, is that by leaving I did make a difference...In the negative. leigh remember when you put your thoughts out there for others to see and open THEIR hearts.

As Always
Paul c.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Dannelle

Anonymous said...

Wow you did get a point across.  You put everything you wrote into perspective at least for me.  I think this is a place to say what we think and feel where we can get peoples opinions when we arent sure of the answer.  I guess I need to remember everything you wrote when I am writing in mine.

Thank you for stopping my journal,

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said! Thinking of you!  Karen