Friday, February 15, 2008


   One of these days I'll learn to call before just assuming some place is going to be there when they are scheduled to be there.  ::sigh::  I drove to Grayling(15 miles) to the clinic in the snow.  Saw one 2-car wreck going up and one 3-car coming back, neither one had the police there yet, no one looked hurt, just slid off the road.  Anyway, I got to Grayling and the clinic had a note on the door "Closed" on Feb. 14, 2008.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  I drove back home, made a huge bowl of what I call heart attack popcorn( real butter and salt) and settled down for the evening.  My congestion is breaking up fairly well, and I haven't had a temperature in more than 24 hrs, but if it's not gone by Monday, I'll get an appointment to see a Dr. 

   We got about 4 inches of snow last night, and now there's a rumor of more on Sunday night.  This next one's supposed to be heavier. Winter will never end, they'll just come and dig us out of the snow banks eventually.  Peoplecicles! 

   I've got a new craft project on my mind.  I'd like to design and sew a quilt for my son.  I've been thinking about this for awhile, but haven't gotten to the "put it on paper" stage.  I'm thinking of a scrap quilt, since I have so many, even some squares that I found at the thrift store.  Just a simple two-block pattern with a neutral color to tie it together.  I have one that I haven't finished, but that's just for me and could really be done later.  I'll have to get my books out and look for some complementary  block patterns.  I'd like to have it done by Christmas, or maybe next Christmas.  I know it's something he'd really like, it would mean a great deal to him.  So, I'd better go and get busy planning.........

                            ~Thanks for Stopping By~


Anonymous said...

If you have a favorite painting I'll stick him you son in it for freeb. (Don't tell anyone, but I know you're broke,  and you're a good person and a loyal commenter..)

Anonymous said...

That is really a great talent to make a quilt!  I am jealous!  I hope you will have pictures of it to share!  Sorry about the clinic!  Ack!  Just awful!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Wow... a quilt sounds great.
I do crafts but I cannot sew worth a toot.
Hubby was shocked last week when I replaced a set of buttons on a blouse that I really like.,

Hope you feel better soon



Anonymous said...

I really hope you will be feeling better very soon.  Driving in that kind of weather would be scary to me.  I hope you have a happy Sunday.  Luv ya!


Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better now hon. The least the clinic could of done was call and let you know your appt was cancelled...People never fail to amaze me. I've always wanted to learn to make quilts. They are so creative and colorful. I think your son would love the time and patience you put into one for him. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Your son sounds wonderful, and it's clear you two have a great relationship.  I have a great relationship with my kids, but I doubt they'd ever think enough about me to send me coffee samples or appreciate a hand-sewn quilt I made for them.  They don't seem capable of thinking about anyone but themselves yet.  I'm hoping that will change.  My daughter is probably the best at thinking about me--in fact, she probably thinks of me more than the man I married does.  
  I love popcorn laden with real butter and salt!  Everything in moderation!!