Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Quick Saturday Note of Absolutely No Importance!

   I don't know why, but the computers that I use will never show the font-Comic Sans MS when I click on it and half the time it won't print in the size that I select.  ::sigh::   I heard that Phil saw his shadow so that means 6 more weeks of winter weather.  We have 6 more weeks of winter, no matter what Phil sees- till the Spring Equinox.  It'd be nice if it stayed above "say" 20 degrees and maybe only snowed a couple more weekends- for the snowmobilers/tourists to spend their money up here.  Then it could just gradually all melt and dry up(no Mud!) and slide gracefully into spring.  HA!  Can you tell that I am getting tired of winter? 

   I can't talk about specific people, but I have to get this off my chest.  If you are a young person and don't treat your parents decently, Shame on You!  If Mom needs a ride somewhere, give it.  If she needs you to pick something up at the drug/dollar store, go pick it up.  If she just needs you to listen to her and lend an ear, be there on the phone.  If she's scared at the hospital, take the time to go, be with her and just hold her hand.  One of these days, that pain in the ass, nagging woman won't be there.  Then, you will be sorry.  Yeah, I know that this all sounds like the rant you may have heard a thousand times, but you just never know when your decision to turn mom down may drive her to make a drastic/ irreversible decision.  I am outraged at the behavior I witnessed today.  I'd like to take these kids and just bash they're heads together, tell them that after what I witnessed today that they don't have the right to ever call her Mom or see her again.  Unfortunately, I can't do that and I know that this scenario will play again and probably again after that.  But it just disgusts me.  I haven't had a mother since I was 11 years old.  I'd love to have one.  ::sigh:: Sorry, I know that this is all kind of vague, but I can't give any details.  People I know through work. 

   The librarian tells me that it's time to start shutting down computers, so I've got to go. 

                                 ~Thanks for Stopping By~


Anonymous said...

And when you're young you don't stop to think that it might be you in the same position some day.

Snow's gone, but it's still raining.


Anonymous said...

Man, I hear ya!  I always had respect for my Mom and Dad, still do.  Might not always agree with them, but out of respect I don't voice my opinions.  But my kids say things to me that I would never even have thought about saying to my parents.  I do not believe in censorship, I believe in open communication even if it's something I might not want to hear, but there are proper ways to voice that.  They tend to treat me like a maid, like my only purpose in life is to serve them, and that really irks me.  I only hope someday when they are parents they see it's not as easy when you're doing it as when you speculate about it.  

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to say hi! I'm lucky enough to have wonderful kids. I guess I am old fashioned with them - I am very big on manners.  I wish my parents would let me do something for them. They have done so much for me, but they are still maintaining their independance (& stubborness!). Keep warm & have a good week!

Anonymous said...

I dread the day when I smell of my own wee as I have no kids ;-)
Gaz xx

Anonymous said...

{{{ Leigh }}}  So sad... I agree with what you say about respect for your parents...

be well,

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't have to endure too much more winter weather.  I hear you about the way people treat others and their parents.  It is shameful.  I love and live for family, it is the most important thing to me.  Hope you have a great week ahead, and a happy one.  Luv ya!


Anonymous said...

I don't understand it either hon. I would give anything to have even had a mother in my life....I miss Doc's mom something terrible....Some people just don't get it! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

how awful.  i know people who have held grudges for what they perceived as slights when they were children and have no time or good words for their 80-year-old doesn't make sense.  would hate to build up their kind of karmic debt.

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit tired of Winter myself. White is beautiful for awhile, then it becomes a bit blinding~~and COLD~~
I can't imagine not doing any and everything I could for either of my parents. They did so much for me growing up, and even now at the ripe age of 35 they are still my constant. My parents weren't perfect, neither was I, but to ever turn my back on them would be, indeed, shameful. That is something I can say will never happen.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to see people taking their parents for granted.
I like Comic Sans MS, too, and have trouble getting it to stay.  Here's what I do.  After I choose it from the drop down list I pick the size, then I have to go back to the font list, click on something different and then click on Comic Sans again.  Then it will usually show up.  Sometimes I have to do the same for the size.  It's ridiculous, I know, but it seems to work.