Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Day Off!

   This is something that hasn't happened in quite awhile.  At least 6 weeks or so.  I had today off!  The whole day!  I have 2 clients that are(or were-one got released) in the hospital.  So I didn't have to work today as I only had one shift this morning(the one that got released this afternoon).  So, what did I do on my day off?  Well, I got up at 5:15am, made coffee, and read for about 1 1/2 hours.  I got some of the boxes out of the closet to reorganize and get the holiday box down, so that I can find all my recipes for cookies and get organized for the holiday season early.  I went to the thrift shop, found a pan that bakes 4 of those mini loaves at one time(Wilton) for $1 and some holiday cards for a quarter.  I also found a windbreaker for $1, and some plastic holiday plates for delivering the cookies that I make for my clients.  Cool shopping.  I spent a grand total of $5.30 including some paperbacks for .25 each. :-)

   Speaking of my clients, some have asked what I do for a living.  I'm a Home Health Aide.  I go to my clients homes and help them with their daily living activities, help with a shower, do housekeeping, correspondence, cooking, errands, and sometimes just sit and visit with them.  I really enjoy my work, although some days I travel 60+ miles to get to all of them.  Some are only 2 hour shifts, I've worked 12 hour shifts and some 24hour.  I get to sleep during the 24 hour ones, they just need to have someone present in the home besides the client.  For instance a client's husband has to go to the hospital for a few days, we'll go and stay with her for 24 hr shifts. 

   I mentioned in that short entry yesterday that I had to go see my mechanic.  I needed a radiator hose replaced.  He fit my car in, in the middle of the day, without making an appointment.  What a good guy he is. 

   I was in the middle of doing a meme that Dawn at Carpe Diem had done a couple of entries back, when I bumped a button and the whole thing just went poof!  It was the first time I had ever used a laptop.  The keys are placed closer and the surface was flat instead of the slight slant of a desktop keyboard, so my fingers were a little awkward, but I did manage till I bumped that key.  Anyway, I may look into getting a laptop when I finally get my money together.  I like the compactness, as my desk in my room is small.  And the portability.  Anyway here's the meme I was doing.  Four Things. 

Four Jobs I've had.

1.Home Health Aide.

2. Waitress.

3. Gas Station Attendant.

4. Newspaper carrier.

Four Movies I  Can Watch Over and Over

1. Scrooged. 

2. Groundhogs Day.

3. Michael.

4. Christmas Story.

Four Places I Have Lived.

1. Here-Roscommon.

2.  Sebring, OH.  When I was married.

3. Gaylord, MI  Till I lost my job and apartment all in one day due to a fire-I lived in the apartment upstairs from the restaurant I worked in.

4. Sylvania, OH.  For all of 10 days.  My one and only city experience-it's a suburb of Toledo.

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch.

1. M.A.S.H.   I've seen them all so many times, but will sit and watch them again. 

2. Football- I used to watch from the pregame shows at noon till the last game was done on Sunday night.  More than my husband watched. 

3. House.  Although we're only "allowed" to watch the DVD from the previous years.  My nephew is a House freak, and doesn't want to see any of the episodes till they come out on DVD, and I don't sit in front of the TV much anyway, so.....

4. Wow, I really can't come up with another TV show I Love to watch.  so.....

Four Places I've Been To on Vacation.

1. Here.  No seriously, when I was in Ohio, we came up and went camping.  Can you say that you've vacationed where you live?

2. Cedarville, MI.  A little town in the Upper Penninsula of MI. 

3. Disney World.  Way back in 1973 before it was even all the way finished.

4. That's it. 

Four Websites I Visit Daily

1. Lolcats

2. Amazon

3. That's about it.

Four Favorite Dishes.

1. Pizza

2. Macaroni and cheese with hotdogs. Seriously.

3. Chili and cornbread

4. Peanutbutter Toast.  EVERYDAY. REALLY.

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now.

1. In front of a brand new laptop in my home.  Sorry, I've just got computers on the brain. 

2. At Waldenbooks with a Huge giftcard. Or any bookstore.

3. On a warm sandy beach with a pitcher of frozen margueritas, and a good book...or maybe a man. 

4.In front of a campfire, next to my huge RV with a pitcher of margueritas, or SoCo and coffee, and a good book...or maybe a man. 

   I found this joke that someone gave me a long time ago.  23 Ways to Tell You're Grown Up. ( I won't do them all) 

1. Your houseplants are alive and you can't smoke any of them.

2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.

3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

4. 6:00am is when you get up, not when you go to bed. 

8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.

11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

12. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's leftovers.

15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

16. You take naps.

18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3AM would severely upset, rather than settle your stomach.

20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "Pretty good shit"

21 You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.

22. "I just can't drink the way I used to" replaces "I'm never drinking that much again".

23 You go to the drugstore for  Ibuprofen and antacids instead of condoms and pregnancy tests.

    My time is almost up for today, the library closes at 7pm.  I'm working on visiting all my favorite journals, but I've gotten behind, so if I haven't commented, I'll get there.  ~ Thanks for stopping by~


Anonymous said...

hey you!  I always looks forward to your entries!  and I LOVE the items that indicate you have grown up!
and I bet you are a wonderful HHA!
take care and hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

You really have to be dedicated to do what you do.  It can be a very hard and stressful job.  I love the movie Groundhog Day.  Michael is cute to and A Christmas story you have to be careful about because you could put your eye out. LOL  Maybe no sex in a twin bed but how about a sleeping bag.  Nice and snug. : )  Luv ya!


Anonymous said...

Hey...good morning. It's nice to see a big full entry this early.
Being a Home Health Aide is a very difficult job.
I'm sure you're good at it and wouldn't do it if you didn't love it.
My mother had a home health aide who helped her with her bath,
She loved her and looked forward to her coming every week.

I'm glad to see someone else likes thrift shops,
I LOVE our local Goodwill store.,
Last week, I found a $75 LL Bean sweater there for $3.60.
It looked brand new and was actually my size.

See you soon..good luck with the laptop.
Mine is the same way.
If I hit one button wrong everything can vanish in the blink of an eye.

  Bye..hope to see you again soon!


Anonymous said...

Love this entry, gives us even more to know about you. I'm not sure I would have the patience to do , what you do. As for the Christmas Story, it's a favorite in my house every year. Doc actually brought me the DVD a couple of years ago. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I am catching up!  I swear!!!  I loved this joke... had me laughing all the while!

be well,

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your journal. I read Marc's journal and you always leave such interesting and friendly comments that I decided to pay you a visit. I enjoyed reading the meme and I totally identify with the the list of 23 things!--Sheria