Talk about mood swings! I am blaming the Full Moon Eclipse for the roller coaster ride of yesterday. I want this journal to be a more upbeat chronicle of my life, as I have a Private journal and a paper journal for the Hyde part of my personality. Anyways.....
After work, I drove out to the lake for a few hours of escaping the heat and humidity that followed the rain storm we had here yesterday morning. I always carry a beach bag in the car for exactly this purpose. I can be impulsive sometimes, so I try to be prepared. ( Is that an oxymoron?) While I was there, I felt the urge to write the following little piece. It was such a beautiful evening...
The North Shore....
As the sun sinks behind the treeline, ever closer to setting, the breeze still blows. The waves still race to shore, land with a splash and are followed by more in a never ending game of chase. The bowl of the skyline is changing slowly as the blue fades to pale, then cream, to pinks, then a subtle lavendar, as it meets the deep greens of the treeline on the distant lakeshore. As I gaze to the west, I see that the wispy clouds that seem to hang suspended in the sky, are tinged with sunset shades of peach and mauve as they float toward the east. As I look to the east, I cannot yet see the moon, but know that she'll be full and glorious in this rainbow sky, when she glides into view. What else could she do on such an evening as this?
A gull soars by, as if patrolling the beach, looking for stragglers who have not yet given up on their day of building sand castles. Lights begin to appear and twinkle on the few water craft that remain, and along the shoreline as dusk draws near. The sand has cooled, as I stroll. There no longer remains a trace of the day's heat.
I am soothed and comforted by nature's ability to change, yet remain constant. In her gracious presence, I am reminded that I can capture, but a fleeting glimpse, a moment of her existence. And I am humbled, as I sit here, solitary witness, on the North Shore....
Thanks for stopping by. Leigh